Author Platform Basics
Get a complete branded author platform, promo graphics, 1000 subscribers, and blog that converts.
Stop being invisible! Get an author website that WORKS.
Ashamed of your author website? Don't be! After all, does anyone actually even GO to your website, unless you've personally handed them a business card? It's not like random strangers are just poking around in there, is it?
I mean, everyone knows the only way to sell books is through Amazon - it's not your fault that advertising has gotten ridiculously expensive, Amazon's shift from Createspace to KDP print has most authors pulling their hair out, and full-time authors are going out of business every day (either because they can no longer compete now that Amazon's organic visiblity has shifted to a "pay to play" model, or because they got their accounts frozen for no reason from the all powerful Zon.)
TRUTH: you probably shouldn't spend a ton of money on an author website, until your books are selling.
BUT ALSO: especially when you're starting out, every single visitor to your author platform MATTERS. You need to roll out the red carpet. They'll either get confused and bounce, or they'll get hooked and stick around. If you can get them on your email list, you've just gone from a hurried 5 second sales pitch to a slow, comfortable fireside chat.
A few years ago I made some basic videos to setting up a Wordpress author website. My main argument was, "just use a basic template and keep it simple." I still focus more on content, instead of design... but now that I've built up quite a bit of traffic (with content marketing), it's time to focus on boosting conversions:
- more email subscribers
- more fans and reviews
- organic visibility without advertising
- more book sales
Everything you need to build your author platform
This "course" is mainly a bundle of three other courses, that will help you start your website, know what to blog about, hone in on your author brand and story, start and grow your email list, so you get the basics right quickly and move on, confident that your author platform is quietly working for you (while you focus on writing more books).
I'm also including the "Bestseller Blueprint" materials because it's so important to do a final check and improve your book before you launch; they will also be useful for creating a reader magnet or "teaser text" as I call them in Reach Your Readers.
You don't need to hire an expensive designer or someone to set up your email list for you; these resources will help you DIY, while saving time and money.
While you're free to use any kind of hosting or website set up, I personally use and recommend Wordpress, with Divi theme. But even if you're using something else, you'll find the materials in this bundle well worth the price.
Your author website is like an inflatable unicorn.
🦄🦄🦄 As long as you fill it with air and there are no holes, it'll keep you afloat, so you can relax and focus on your writing. If it's big enough, it can even support your friends.
The coolest thing about having a platform is that it's worth much more than just promoting your own content; you can use your influence to help others. That's the whole point of my "six stages of creativindie" (something I'll finally be putting into a book soon) - be the flame, not the moth. Build a platform so you can be a patron, instead of begging for favors and handouts.
If that sounds good, grab the deal. and we'll take it from there. Everything I make is backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so there's no risk to see what's included.
Join this deal today and get three bonus courses at a massive discount:
- Reader Seduction (get your first 1000 subscribers QUICKLY, and turn them into raving fans)
- Reach Your Readers (content marketing and blogging basics, to attract new readers on autopilot)
- Bestseller Blueprint (self-editing tips to make sure your book is amazing)
I'm *also* going to add in some of my best content; interviews, presentations on branding and web design, and some exclusive special bonuses.
I'm also *planning* to include some done-for-you graphics and promotional banners - when they're eventually ready, I'll let you know. EVEN IF you're not ready to overhaul your website or author platform yet, or have already found a non-Wordpress solution, getting these courses together in one bundle is a massive deal.
Your Instructor
Derek Murphy has a PhD in Literature and has been featured in CNN for hosting writing retreats in medieval castles. After working with thousands of authors as a writing coach and developmental author, he began developing plotting cheatsheets and advanced writing tips for authors that now have nearly 3 million views on YouTube.
Course Curriculum
StartBad examples from famous authors (10:26)
StartMore author website examples (and constructive criticism)
StartGood examples (and a checklist of features you need) (91:52)
StartThe case studies (critique of my own websites) (22:42)
StartHomepage and Header Options with Divi (45:09)
Courses Included with Purchase